Hands. Touching Hands. Reaching Out. Touching Tiles. Touching You.
On November 17, 2017 by ARTOOne of the coolest things about ARTO concrete tiles in this age of automation, robots, and killer drones is that every single tile is touched by multiple hands throughout the production process. However we also utilize advanced technology like concrete admixtures and the Chameleon color batching system that can make thousands of colors at a
(Entry) Monumental Achievement
On November 14, 2017 by ARTOIn a nod to its agricultural heritage, the City of Camarillo (in Ventura County, CA) uses a bougainvillea motif in its logo and public art. Painted or printed bougainville images were used on earlier entry monuments but the city wanted a more polished look for its newest examples. The landscape architects contacted ARTO to explore a custom
The Versatility of Concrete – Normandy Cream Kitchen, Wine Room & Mud Room
On November 6, 2017 by ARTOARTO has been using concrete as a medium since the early 1970’s. While we love cool grey concrete in all its rough and tumble splendor we are also love how concrete can take on a wide range of other looks. This beautiful house in Rancho Santa Fe is a case in point. Artillo Hexagons in