Armen's Journal . Blog
Editorial: Seth’s Note for note
On June 21, 2012 by armenOur Tag Line is “Rustic Elegance” which got us from a team of 3 people to 20 something people. As we have grown we have attracted customers that may not have heard or even understand what Rustic Elegance means, especially to me. I may revisit the tag line again but in the meantime, I have
Blog . Industry News
PRECAST.ORG Update June 2012
On June 19, 2012 by armenARTO Technical Director William Love recently attended Committee Week for the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) The NPCA represents manufacturers of diverse precast products ranging from septic tanks and utility boxes to decorative wall panels and architectural details. William serves as Chairman of both the Building Product Committee and the Architectural Subcommittee in order to