How do I know my ARTO tile will last outdoors and in harsh climates?
On July 17, 2017 by ARTOARTO concrete tiles are made using a high strength, fiber-reinforced mix design. ARTO ceramic tiles are also very durable thanks to their high fired terracotta composition. That sounds nice but how do we know they will perform well in exterior environments and in freezing and thawing climates? One way is through laboratory testing which simulates

Will my ARTO tile be slippery?
On June 30, 2017 by ARTOMost ARTO tiles meet TCNA (Tile Council of North America) requirements for use in exterior or wet areas. All concrete tiles and pavers have been tested and meet the 0.42 value for dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) which is the most current and robust standard for slip resistance. Many other manufacturers still use the outdated

Why does my ARTO concrete tile have white powder on it ?
On June 30, 2017 by ARTOUnless you are partying at Charlie Sheen’s or Tony Montana’s house the white powder is almost certainly efflorescence. It may sound serious but efflorescence is just a fancy word for salts that migrate to the surface. It is a normal phenomenon that can be seen in clay brick, concrete, mortar, grout, and in all types
April Fools 2014
On April 1, 2014 by ARTOIf I were a bathroom tile salesman, my pitch would be, “think of how great this will look in the background of your social networking pics.” Ha. Wish I would have though of that one myself but need to give credit where credit is due. Oh and by the way The joke is on us,
ARTO/MAPEI Design Professional Appreciation Day
On March 12, 2014 by ARTOThursday, April 10; 11:00 AM-3:00 PM 15209 S. Broadway St, Gardena, CA 90248 Learn how ARTO handcrafts unique concrete and clay products. Enjoy handcrafted Italian food from the Eatalian Cafe. Earn AIA/IDCEC continuing education credits from ARTO & MAPEI ALL FOR NO CHARGE! ARTO & MAPEI would like to invite you to a special event