ARTO Tiles in The Most Romantic Restaurants In The World (Cecconi’s South Beach)
On December 26, 2017 by ARTOArchitectural Digest just released a list of The Most Romantic Restaurants in the World. We were pleased to see that Cecconi’s South Beach was recognized as it features ARTO 12×12 Oleson tiles in Walnut Spice and Copper high fired glazes The Oleson tiles are individually handcrafted yet they are freeze thaw resistant and meet the most
The Importance of Proper Materials
On September 6, 2017 by ARTOAlthough tile is the most visible (and typically most expensive) component, it is just one part of the ultimate tile assembly. We have been making our concrete and ceramic tiles for over 50 years so we know they work pretty well. However, using the wrong mortar, grout, membrane, or other materials can result in cracking,
Manufacturing Day 2017 – ARTO Factory Tour – Friday, October 6
On September 5, 2017 by ARTOManufacturing Day (MFG DAY) 2017 is a celebration of modern manufacturing organized by the National Association of Manufacturers. ARTO is proud to participate in this annual event featuring factory tours in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Design professionals, end users, neighbors and anyone interested in learning about local manufacturing are invited to tour the ARTO factory
EPDs may become mandatory in California – ARTO is already ready to go
On July 31, 2017 by ARTOClaude Goguen is a good friend and colleague of ours from the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA). He recently posted an article in Precast Magazine noting that environmental product declarations (EPDs) may soon become mandatory for California state government and university projects. The Buy Clean California Act (AB 262) would require state officials to take